Sunday, October 2, 2016

"Where will you be in a decade?", I'll tell you...

My personal goals are to have an impact on the women and children of the world who are victims of domestic violence and emotional abuse. I say women and children not to be biased, but I say this because it is mostly what I can relate to. I am a child definitely didn't have a perfect childhood that you see in the movies. My dad left my mom with three year old, a two year old, and a newborn. He left to be with another woman who was pregnant and due in a few weeks. If you can infer what I'm saying, my dad wasn't the most loyal. I want to  help families who don't have someone to lean on and were mistreated by the ones who were supposed to be there for them. I want to open a shelter for these people and for people who have depression because of their past. I know what it's like to have a struggling mother, do you have a family that you think is broken, and I know what it's like to be unhappy. These are the reasons why I want to go to college to get a degree in sociology, this will enhance my chances of opening the shelter. I want to use my life to help people who are under these circumstances. I'm not saying I will have all of this accomplished in 10 years, but this is definitely the road I want to be on.

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