Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Im a Nerd Who Can't Play Sports

When it comes to confidence, there is only one area in my life where I can say that I am confident. This area is math, I was in accelerated math classes from third grade until this year. I was always a little ahead and have always been good with numbers. That's an area, for now, where I'll feel like my abilities are appreciated and useful. An area in life where I feel lie I'm not so comfortable is sports, especially since people expect a tall girl like me should be rather good at them. I think there are multiple things that contribute to my insecurity in sports, there's the fact that I'm just not good at my coordination, and the fact that there is that pressure of people expecting me to have skill in sports. If it's basketball we are talking about, people expect me to do well because I'm tall and large so,  the assumption is that I can block shots and shoot baskets no problem. That's isn't the case, though. If it's soccer we are talking about, there is the stereotypical expectation that a Mexican would be good at soccer, and even maybe accel at soccer, but again that isn't the case. I'm not so light on my feet like it's required, I can kick a ball well, but as soon as my foot makes contact with that ball, there's no telling whose face it's going to hit. Those are two areas in my life where my confidence can either be high in the sky or so low it's not even a joke. These are two opposites, and hopefully I can better the stereotype.

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