Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Argument That Was Never Settled

The worst argument I've ever been in really has no purpose, and it involved my brother. The argument was about whether or not you have any control over your dreams and what you do in your dreams. I believed that you had some control over your own actions in your dreams, while my brother  argued that you no control over the subject of your dream, nor did you have control over your dreams whatsoever.  My argument was backed up by some of my " common sense" and my brother just consistently articulated that you don't have any control over your dreams because if you did, bad dreams wouldn't exist and people wouldn't have to live life in their actual day to day lives because they could do it all in their dreams.

This conversation went from a typical conversation on the couch, to us name calling each other across the house, and the names were based on the points we tried to prove in the earlier conversation. The argument ended with our mother telling us to just look it up to settle the dispute. We were both eager and hesitant because we didn't want to be proved wrong. So we both agreed to forget about the argument and wait to settle it until we both agreed we were both mature enough to handle the outcome, but in my defense I'm as ready as ever.

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