Monday, February 20, 2017

Happiness Is...

  1. Seeing my mom smile even though I know she's has had a bad day
  2. Seeing my grandma and grandpa sitting together holding on the couch, showing that love can last.
  3. Going outside on a breezy day to the enjoy the company of friends.
  4. Hearing my sisters laugh fill the room.
  5. A bonfire, outside, on a cool, dark night
  6. A nice, long hug from my Tio Juan, when I haven't seen him in a while.
  7. Hearing the jokes about my brothers long hair and how he would look so much better if he braided it.
  8. The giggles I hear in the next room or my siblings in the next room, when they know they are supposed to sleeping.
  9. An unexpected soccer game going great in front of our house.
  10. The light tweeting of birds outside on an early Saturday morning.
  11. Enjoying the cool breeze coming in through the window on a summer night.
  12. Letting music fill the room.
  13. Listening to music that has a meaning and changes your surroundings.
  14. Sitting around the dinner table, hours after everybody finished eating, and talking to the whole family.
  15. Knowing that there is that one person that has your back and loves you, no matter what.

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