Friday, May 12, 2017

The Concept of Home

 Felt I felt that I was most powerful is when I was commander in my JROTC unit, at my old school. I was the highest rank and everybody had  to listen and answer to me. All except the administrator who had to make sure that we were safe and alive. In JROTC, and I know it sounds cliche but, I felt like I belonged and that I was important, I never really found a place where I felt at home. At home or even at school, even with all the children, I never felt that way. I place where I felt powerless was here. Here in August 2016, I felt the exact opposite and I was placed at the lowest rank.  I was completely knew I had no friends and I was here with the expectation of me just being able to come in and be able to adjust and fit in. I was always behind in the normalities of the school, and the way the school ran. That's when I felt powerless, because I knew nobody and  everything that people said affected me, I felt that I was of no authority, and eighth grade is when you are supposed to rule the school but here I was brand-spanking- new. As low was the 6th grade newcomers of the school. But now I feel like I'm home, and  who ever thought that your home could be ,not where you grew up, but where your life, friends, and excitement are.
                                              (That's a picture of my ROTC drill team)

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